Sunday, November 4, 2012

Post Sem Break Plan

Ally has been off school for the past three weeks - assessment week, PTC week and Undas break. So I have been busy trying to entertain her at home. She doesn't like being cooped up for a long stretch (who does?), and it has been a challenge dealing with her boredom. Thankfully, school resumes tomorrow (yay) and I finally get some much needed free time for myself (double yay).

One project I have lined up will be to tackle this mess that is my cabinet. As you can see it is overflowing with clothes, accessories, make-up and other junk. My estimate is that about 25% of these still have tags on or haven't been worn, about half barely fit my post-pregnancy body and I only regularly use roughly 25%. Embarrassing, I know.

I plan to trim this down to things I actually use and sell the ones I don't. I even borrowed my mom's mannequin so I can take better photos of the clothes that I will be selling on eBay. It is going to be a huge task to sort the clothes, take photos of them and list them one by one, but I know it will be worth it. As it is now, I barely have closet space and it takes me ages to find what I am looking for in this mess. What money I make from this, I vow to use to buy only basic/classic wardrobe staples. No more junk, please!

Wish me luck, okay? And remind me to post photo updates!

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